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Little Launchers is a children’s book series about real kids with real businesses. Follow along as these kid entrepreneurs put their creativity to work, solving problems and launching companies that make a difference. The Little Launchers book series:

  • Introduces young readers to the concept of entrepreneurship
  • Inspires children with real stories of kid entrepreneurs
  • Exposes adults to the idea that young kids are capable of pursuing ideas now
  • Provides educators with tools for teaching business and entrepreneurship in a K-3 setting

Sebastian Creates a Sock Company

Five-year-old Sebastian Martinez — with the help of his older brother, Brandon — turns his love for socks into a business that not only makes wacky socks, but also enables the duo to finally revamp the school dress code. “Sebastian Creates a Sock Company” is the story of Are Your Kidding?, a sock company founded by entrepreneur Sebastian Martinez.

Gabby Invents the Perfect Hair Bow

At five years old, Gabby can't stop losing her hair bows everywhere she goes. She and her mother join forces to invent a new kind of bow that doesn't fall out. But will it work? “Gabby Invents the Perfect Hair Bow” is a story about the entrepreneurial journey of Gabrielle “Gabby” Goodwin, founder and CEO of Gabby Bows.

Jason Saves the Environment with Entrepreneurship

Problem-solver Jason Li has been on a mission to pay for his own lunch since he started school, and he’s finally found an idea that helps him do just that while saving the planet. “Jason Saves the Environment with Entrepreneurship” is the story of teen entrepreneur Jason Li, who at the age of 14 founded iReTron, a social enterprise that buys, refurbishes, resells, and donates used electronics.

Rachel Turns Her Passion Into a Business

Teen lacrosse player Rachel Zietz takes an entrepreneurship course and realizes she can blend the worlds of business and fun by creating a lacrosse equipment company. “Rachel Turns Her Passion Into a Business” is a story about the entrepreneurial journey of Rachel Zietz, real-life founder and CEO of lacrosse equipment company Gladiator Lacrosse.